
About Me

Hi there, I'm Jenn :) I am wife to Adam and mother to three - Gavin, Haley and another little blessing due in April 2014!

My days are spent homeschooling our children, homemaking and opening our home to others.

I love my morning coffee, but I humbly confess I need a cup of grace more than anything - each day, several times a day! I hope you find encouragement and friendship here at A Sweet Cup of Grace. Thank you for visiting!


  1. Oh wow! We are kindred spirits! My maiden name is Ellis. We too are working toward debt free living (food budget $150 a week for family of 10). I'm doing a whole series on Hospitality Undone.

    1. Would love for you to share any suggestions on a grocery budget! We are fairly new to this. I'll take all of the inspiration I can get :)

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog and I've enjoyed perusing. Looking forward to your $100 food budget posts. =)

    1. So glad you're enjoying my blog! I'll be posting regularly on our $100 good budget. Thank you for visiting!

  3. Just came to your blog from North Pole Savings. I sure hope you get on facebook...I don't always remember to check in and read blogs, but if you are on facebook and posting links to them, I remember to go and read them!! Please consider it. I would love to read, follow along and be inspired by you!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. I will most definitely be starting a Facebook page. Maybe North Pole Savings wouldn't mind sharing with he readers once I'm set up :) So glad you visited my blog!
